The history of Edna's Pastor Andy


      “That’s the most rewarding thing. I just love that I get to be a part of people’s family and obviously get to tell them about God, which is the most important thing.”

     In the small town of Edna, Pastor Andy of the Redeemer Lutheran Church has become a pillar of the community over the past two decades. His journey to Edna, however, is a tale of faith, commitment, and unexpected twists.

     Pastor Andy’s roots trace back to the Midwest in Michigan, where he grew up in a family deeply connected to the Lutheran tradition. His father, a pastor, played a significant role in shaping his spiritual path.

     As Pastor Andy recalled, “Growing up, everybody said, ‘Oh, you’re just like your dad. You should become a pastor.’ And honestly, for most of growing up, I really wanted to be a pastor.”

     His journey took a turn during high school when other interests, like basketball, captivated his attention. Wrestling with the decision of whether to follow in his father’s footsteps, he eventually pursued pre-seminary training in college. This decision set him on a unique course that involved delving into the languages of the Bible, including Greek and Hebrew.

     Pastor Andy’s theological education continued at the seminary, where he underwent intensive training for four years. The third year included an internship, and he found himself in Monterrey, Mexico. Little did he know, this stint would bring a life-changing encounter; meeting his future wife, Clarissa.

     After completing his seminary studies, Pastor Andy faced a crossroads. His initial assignment was to help start a mission in Miami, Florida. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, he found himself with options to serve in the Dominican Republic, Wisconsin, or Texas.

     Choosing Texas turned out to be a serendipitous decision. Arriving in 2003, Pastor Andy, Clarissa, and their growing family integrated into a community of around 100 members at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Despite its size, Pastor Andy had a vision to make a significant impact, both spiritually and through community outreach.

     Over the years, the church, under Pastor Andy’s leadership, became deeply involved in the Edna community. From regular visits to nursing homes to initiating English classes for Spanish speakers, the church became a hub for not only spiritual guidance, but also practical support.

     Reflecting on his role, Pastor Andy shared, “I look at my job as a pastor that people are walking on life’s journey, and I get to walk with them for a little while.” This philosophy underlines his commitment to building lasting relationships with everyone he comes across.

     While the rewards of his pastoral role are profound, Pastor Andy acknowledges the challenges. The demand for constant availability and the balancing act between family and ministry poses ongoing struggles. Yet, his enduring passion for serving the community and his unwavering faith keep him steadfast on this journey.

     “The hardest part is that you really don’t have a clock, so you always have to be Pastor. You always have to be aware, ‘I’m the Pastor, and how I’m behaving reflects on God and could affect somebody’s faith,’” he elaborated. “Whether they end up going to church because you do or say something dumb, there’s a bit of pressure and stress with that.”

     In addition to his pastoral duties, Pastor Andy wears another hat — that of a prolific writer. For the past 13 years, he has contributed weekly columns to local newspapers, a commitment that eventually led to the publication of two books. Currently working on a novel, Pastor Andy continues his talent for storytelling beyond the pulpit.

     His journey from the Midwest to Edna is one to be inspired by. Through his dedication to both spiritual and community matters, he has left an indelible mark on the small town of Edna, becoming a shepherd to those navigating life’s journey in this close-knit Texan community.

Jackson County Herald Tribune

306 N. Wells
Edna, TX 77957