Silver Spur to Wrangler Belle

By Millie Diaz

Managing Editor

More often than not, achieving a dream means overcoming a fear, and Kendall Bradley dealt with stage fright as a two-year old on the night of her first dance recital.

“I wouldn’t go onstage at all, I cried. My mom and aunt tried bribing me with Barbies and swimming pools, but nope,” she said.

Bradley, First Captain of the Edna Silver Spurs team, signed a letter of intent last Friday to Cisco Community College to dance on a two year scholarship.

Her dream growing up was dancing on the Silver Spurs team, and she thought it wasn’t going to happen when her current Rhythm Flight Dance Project instructor, Lisa Porche, gave up her position as director on the team.

“I thought, ‘things will never be like I wished they’d be,” Bradley said.

But a blessing came in the form of a party scene in Victoria’s annual production of The Nutcracker, a musical Bradley had been performing in since second grade. Herself, her mother Sarah, and Robin Charbula had been cast in the party scene and over time the topic came up that the Silver Spurs would be looking for a new director. Kendall and Sarah urged Charbula to apply.

Charbula is now finishing her fourth year as the Silver Spurs instructor, but Edna wasn’t the first dance team she’d been an instructor and director to. Also employed with the well-known Showtime International dance company, Charbula is in charge of their college auditions.

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